Feel pretty in this bouquet of blooming roses on a skirt! The print is a faded blue/black with coral and beige roses. The box pleat front adds a bit of fullness to an A-line skirt, with a smocked waistband in back for the best fit. This skirt is lightweight and fully lined with real side pockets! Looks great with a casual shirt worn tucked in or relaxed. Length hits below the knees. Shown here with the Bleu Blouse and the Fraiche Blouse.
- 100% Polyester
- Machine wash, hang dry
- Runs true to size in contemporary sizing
Waist | Hips | |
Small | 25"-27" | Open |
Medium | 28"-30" | Open |
Large | 31"-33" | Open |
XLarge | 34"-36" | Open |
2XLarge | 37"-39" | Open |